Monday, August 20, 2012

Zeek Rewards Closed Their Doors!

Zeek Rewards Closed their headquarters located in North Carolina. This is the company behind the Penny Auction and Zeek Rewards Affiliate Program.

Largest Ponzi Scheme In History!

The SEC files and emergnecy action in the North Carolina Federal Court alleging that Zeek Rewards and its founder: Paul R Burks (pictured above) are involved in one of the LARGEST PONZI SCHEMES IN HISTORY!  On the verge of collapse they decided to shut down the website, and close and lock the doors to their headquartes in N.C. as damage control on Friday August 17, 2012.  Pictured on the right is the / Zeek Rewards headquarters in Lexington, North Carolina.This is the scene of the Zeek Rewards Closes; Affiliates who arrived to the doors locked and lights off, with only a small notice on the front door stating, "Zeek Rewards is currently unavaiable. More information will be available shortly on the website".  To date Zeek Rewards has not made any official statements or made more information available. The estimate of just over 200,000 affiliates have been left out in the dark! The only information that has been supplied is the Red Carpet Event that was schedules for Wednesday August 22, 2012 has been canceled.

What Happened ?

The North Carolina Attorney General apparently DID NOT tell Zeek Rewards to close their doors, they did this voluntarily. This does not indicate one way or the other about the final verdict of the company. What we do know is there is a FULL INVESTIGATION underway. It is the Attorney Genereal's job to determine if there is a scam of ponzi scheme involved with Zeek Rewards, in order to protect both the consumer and investors. They will be going over every piece of the business model with a fine tooth comb in order to make the best decision. Many are saying not to count Zeek Rewards down, as many great companies have gone through this same investigation, such as the popular Amway, who in fact came out of their investigation even stronger than when they went in.

What Now ?

It is the most unfortunate situation for so many people. Myself and friends and family included, (even my Zeek Family). There is not much anyone can do, but wait out the investigation. I strongly urge you not to play the blame game... do not blame yourself, or your upline, they have not stolen your money. In fact so many of us were builind our point balance and had yet to even cash out and make a single dime let alone get our initial money back! So let's all take a calming breath and take every day as it comes. I pray that most people have a plan B or another course of income. With the economy today and lack of jobs it is such a struggle for many. I am blessed to have become a self-taught Network Marketing Professional. To anyone out there with NO PLAN "B" take a moment and put your name and email address in below. We will personally send you some information to try and help you get started on "PLAN B" today, and start earning some money!

This wesbite will be updated as I hear any new valid information!

Yours Truely,
Connect With Lisa-Marie

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